Unleashing the Power of Technical SEO: Boost Your Website to the Top!

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Power of Technical SEO: a Comprehensive Guide for Beginners

Technical SEO includes improving the technical factors of a website to increase the ranking of its pages in Search Engine.

Technical SEO is a very important part of SEO.It helps for better crawling and better indexing of any website.

Technical SEO Technique

  • Web page speed/Load Time
  • Structure of Website
  • Sitemap
  • Redirect Pages
  • Mobile Friendliness
  • Robots.txt

Checklist Technical SEO

  • Sitemap.XML
  • Sitemap.HTML
  • Robots.txt File
  • Page Load Time
  • Optimization of JS & CSS
  • SSL(Secure Socket Layer) Certificate
  • Canonical Tag
  • Redirection (404,301,302)
  • Open Graph Tag
  • Schema Markup/Structure Data


A sitemap is a list of your website’s URLs.It acts as a roadmap to tell search engines what and where content is available.

Sitemap.xml (for crawler)

An XML Sitemap is a file that lists a website’s important pages so that search engines can crawl them all.It makes search engines understand your website structure. It is very important Part of Technical SEO.

Example: https://www.digitaltaktic.com/sitemap_index.xml

Sitemap.html (for Audience)

An HTML sitemap is a list of links to the main pages on the website.It helps the user find the desired section or page on the website.

Example: https://www.mha.gov.in/site-map

How to Generate Sitemap.xml

There are two ways to generate one is for a Non-Wordpress website & other is for WordPress Website.

First lets see how you can generate & Submit Sitemap for Non-Wordpress Websites.

First Step:

Second Step:

Third Step:

Fourth Step:

After downloading the xml sitemap file you have to go to your cpanel and click to File Manager.In File manager then go to public_html then upload the file or directly you may give the download file to the developer to upload that file in the website backend.

For WordPress Website:

You have to Download Yoast Plug in then go to General Setting then go to Features and Just put on the XML Sitemap Button.

How to Generate Sitemap.html

There are two ways to generate one is for a Non-Wordpress website & other is for WordPress Website.

First lets see how you can generate & Submit Sitemap for Non-Wordpress Websites.For Non-Wordpress websites the sitemap.xml should be in the separate landing page where your websites all the links will be there. It helps to better your user experience.You have to Coordinate with your website developer for that.

Secondly for your WordPress Website

In wordpress you have to create a separate page.then you have to install a  Plugin name Simple Sitemap (David Gayer)

Then go to Edit & Add sitemap in that plugin.


Robots.txt is a file that tells search engine crawlers to not crawl certain pages or sections of a website.It is the crucial part of the Technical SEO.

Example: https://www.digitaltaktic.com/robots.txt

User-agent: *

Disallow: /about/clients/

Disallow: /academy/members/

Disallow: /academy/groups-directory/

Disallow: /academy/groups/

Disallow: */feed/

Disallow: /men-sweatshirts

Disallow: /Menclothing

Allow: /Menclothing/tshirts

Allow: /Menclothing/shirts

You have to save this code in Notepad or wordpad in .txt file for robots.txt.

For Non-wordpress Website:

After Saving the Robots.txt file you have to go to your cpanel and click to File Manager.In File manager then go to public_html then upload the file or directly you may give the download file to the developer to upload that file in the website backend.

For WordPress Website:

You have to install Yoast Seo Plugin & Go to tools and add Robots.txt.


Canonical issues most commonly occur when a website has more than one URL that displays similar or identical content.Canonical tags helps us to redirect the link into one main url of the website.

Example: <link rel=”canonical” href=”https://www.digitaltaktic.com/” />

For WordPress Website You have to install Yoast Seo Plugin then go to Advanced & Add Canonical URL.

For Non WordPress Websites You have to give this code to the developer to add it in the head section of the website.

Broken Links:

A broken link is a web-page that can’t be found or accessed by a user,for various reasons.

Reasons of Broken Links:

  • Change in URL
  • Change in URL without redirection
  • Deleted Webpage
  • Content/Post Deleted

To check the broken link in your website you have to go to https://brokenlinkcheck.com/ & Check your Broken links.

404 Error Page/Redirection:

404 redirects are server response code informing a user that the web page he or she is looking for cannot be found; either due to user error when typing the url, or the web page he or she is looking for is not an actual web page.

404 Redirection helps the audience to navigate the actual page and not be diverted to another Location.In Non-Wordpress website you have to tell Your website developer to create a 404 error page & in WordPress Website 404 error page will be generated automatically.

301/302 Redirection:

A redirection is to send both users and search engines to a different URL from the one they originally requested.

301 (Permanent Redirection)

302 (Temporary Redirection)

When to Apply 301 Redirection:

  • Webpage/website Moved
  • Domain name changed
  • Ownership changed
  • Duplicate Page/post
  • Http to https

For Redirection for WordPress website you have to install Redirection Plugin by John Godley & for Non-Wordpress Website you have to tell your website developer to add redirection.

When to Apply 302 Redirection:

  • Page is updating/under maintenance
  • Unavailable Content

Schema Markup/Schema.org/Structured Data:

Schema markup (schema.org) is a structured data vocabulary that helps search engines better understand the info on your website. It tells search engines about your website.

Why schema.org is important?

  • It tells search engines about your website.
  • It improves appearance of your website on SERP


Types of Schema:

  • FAQ
  • Breadcrumbs
  • Recipe
  • Article
  • Local Business
  • Event
  • Person
  • Videos
  • Organization

How to add Structured data in your website?

  1. First way is to copy the Source code of your schema from a similar topic and paste it in Notepad, edit it & Send it to the developer or add yourself in the website.

  1. Second way is by using the schema markup generator tool.You have to search in google & Click on any JSON-LD Schema Generator. 
  1. Then you have to select the type of schema & Fill up the form & It will generate the code.That code you have to put into the header file or if you want to create separate schema for separate page then you have to put that code into the body section of the every page of the website.

Open Graph Protocol:

Open Graph is an internet Protocol that was created by Facebook to Standardize the use of metadata within a webpage to represent the content of a page.

For Generating Open Graph Code you have to go to Google & Search with Open graph generator tool & fill up the form & Generate the code & put the code into header section or give developer to put it in the website.

Or you can go to wordpress & install Yoast Seo plug in & Enable the Social Segment.

Website Speed:

Website Speed is very important for SEO.It has direct effects in USER EXPERIENCE which is most important for Google.For Checking website speed we use two main tools first one is Google Page Speed Insight & another one is GT Metrix.It Is most important part of Technical SEO

Google Pagespeed Insights:

GT Metrix:

You can also check manually by going to incognito mode & go to the website & Scroll.

How to Decrease Page Loading time?

  • Minify JS and CSS Files
  • Asynchronous loading of JS & CSS Files
  • Defer Large Size Elements
  • Choose Right Hosting Options
  • Media Compression(Max Image Size should be within 100kb)
  • Convert Images in Next Gen Formats(WEBP Formats)
  • Enable Browser Caching
  • Apply Content Delivery Network (CDN)
  • Optimize the CSS
  • Enable Lazy Load
  • Regular Monitoring of Website Speed

Mobile Responsiveness:

Websites that are mobile-responsive are pages that have been reformatted to reproduce what you experience on the desktop. This means that instead of shrinking everything down, clickable items are enlarged and pictures are resized and reformatted.For this era this is the most important part of Technical SEO as most of the user now from Mobile.

It is very important for User Experience as most of the users are searching from Mobile.The website Should Load Fast & Should be responsive too. 

Twitter card:

With Twitter Cards,you can attach rich photos,videos and media experiences to tweets,helping to drive traffic to your website.

How to generate Twitter card Code for Non-Wordpress websites?

First go to google and search with Twitter card generator then click to wtools.io & generate Twitter Card Code & Put it between the Header Section of the Website.

For WordPress Websites You can go to yoast Seo then Social Go to Twitter card & Enabled.

Basic Information of a Website:

Webpage: A web page is a hypertext document provided by a website and displayed to a user in a web browser.

Server: Server is used to store,access,secure and manage digital data,files and services.

Website: A website is a page or collection of web pages on the World Wide Web that contains Specific information.

Website structure is made by HTML (Hyper text markup language).

Website Styling made by CSS(Cascading style Sheets).

Any Special effect is made by JS(JavaScript)

Hosting: Web Hosting is the business of serving,and maintaining files for one or more web sites.

Types of hosting:

  • Shared Hosting
  • VPS (Virtual Private Server) hosting
  • Dedicated Hosting
  • Cloud Hosting


A favicon, also known as a shortcut icon, website icon, tab icon, URL icon, or bookmark icon, is a file containing one or more small icons, associated with a particular website or web page.

About Digital Taktic

Digital Taktic

Digital Taktic is the leading digital marketing company in Kolkata, India. Integrity, Excellence, and Accountability are the pillars of our business. We stay on top of digital trends and techniques to keep our clients ahead of the game. Digital Taktic, under a single umbrella, offers it all, from Website Design to SEO to PPC advertising to SMM to Lead Generation to PR marketing. We also provide Graphic & Logo design, Videography, and Photography services to make your brand shine. For businesses of all sizes, we are committed to offering top-notch digital marketing services.

Address- 3/2 H.B.Town East, Road no 07 Sodepur, P.S-Ghola, Kolkata 700110
Call us: +91 84208 96242
E-mail: info@digitaltaktic.com
Visit our website- www.digitaltaktic.com

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